- To improve the quality of teaching of Design & Technology at all Key stages.
- To work with teachers in planning and teaching in the classroom.
- To raise awareness of the cross curricular links with Design & Technology.
- To work with Heads of Departments and Curriculum Leaders to plan and organise an exciting, challenging curriculum.
- To provide INSET training for primary school teachers to help them integrate Design & Technology into the wider curriculum and build cross curricular links.
- To use Design & Technology to raise standards across the school.
- To provide in class support for primary teachers to familiarise them with the methodology of the subject.
- To provide professional support through the National Association of Advisers and Inspectors in Design and Technology (NAAIDT) and the Design and Technology Association (DaTA).
- To provide teachers with a ‘help line’ for advice and support.

I taught in Newham between 1999 and 2008 in an advisory role as Head of Design and Technology, I was appointed as an AST for Design and Technology at St Angela’s Ursuline School in 2001. During that time I worked on many different projects with local schools, including Computer Aided Design training and working to help set up teaching projects. I worked with the advisory staff in the development of the subject and with helping the Heads of Department implement the on-going changes to the subject, creating a high class delivery in the borough. I also worked with the University of East London on their teacher training programs as a visiting tutor for PGCE and GTP students in schools.
I participated in and often led the Heads of Department meetings and my AST role allowed me time to go into schools to help the departments look at teaching and learning, systems of assessment, project management and any problems of delivery.
I developed some very successful primary projects that were aimed at training the teachers in primary schools to develop skills in the delivery of Design and Technology. The focus of the projects was to encourage pupils to use tools safely to make quite complex moving models which included a considerable design input from the pupils and an impressive outcome that made an excellent school display. The projects guided the teachers, who were nervous of practical work, through the use of simple equipment, jigs and formers to ensure that all the pupils succeed. I firmly believe that Design and Technology can be used as a vehicle to help improve other areas of the curriculum such as literacy, math and science because it can link them into the making and this enthuses the pupils.
I have now retired from the classroom with view to developing a support for Design and Technology teaching through all key stages, and so now I can offer my services to schools to help advance the teaching of Design and Technology. My business is called The Making Project and I want to raise the profile of making in schools and use my experience to help schools improve their delivery and to encourage pupils to develop creative skills.
If you think you can use my skills please get in touch;
Email :
Telephone : 07906013573