In Year 4 the introduction to electric circuits can be experimental and fun. I like to start by making a simple torch with an LED and a flat button type battery. This creates the idea of a circuit, so to progress from there I give out a whole range of switches that all work differently […]
Category: Key Stage 2
Cam Castle
This cams project was originally linked to the Knights of the Round Table, where the basic cuboid became a castle and the knights were moving with the cams on the battlements. With a few changes this could be linked to literacy and illustrating a story of anywhere that movement can be used, by attaching a geared motor and battery pack these models make a fantastic display.
Moon Buggy
The Moon Buggy project is linked to the Year 5 science topic of the Solar System. So there is plenty of opportunity to discuss the surface of the moon and the problems that a buggy might encounter. The brief can be to look at speed, climbing ability, strength, or to house two astronauts and the incorporate a movement from a cam.
Fair Ground
Design and make a model of a fairground ride that will be an exciting ride for all ages. It will use gears to create interesting movements and will be powered by an electric motor.