A simple example of an electrical circuit. The torch is based on an LED and a small flat cell battery.
The centre is a card cut-out with a circle to hold the battery in place and the LED fits into a recess with the legs passing either side of the card. The legs of the LED are held away from the battery by the thickness of the card and so when pushed to make contact the LED comes on. Having made the centre working part, the pupils need to add a front and back to hold the whole thing together. This outer element presents a little design opportunity. With a theme on bugs it is easy to add legs, tentacles and spots and stripes on the back and front.
Picture frame
The frame is made from the 10mm square wood and the picture is mounted on card to be a model of part of an animal. The card frame is then stuck onto the wooden frame and is made to represent the animal’s habitat.
The frame is made to stand with a secondary wooden frame at the back, set asymmetrically so the frame will stand in at two angles depending which way up it is used, but it can also stand upright if necessary.